By Beverly Terhune
Fighting inflammation is a critical part of any treatment for
arthritis. In fact, it's an important part of fighting many
other conditions, too, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes,
Alzheimer's disease, and even aging. Fortunately, there are
plenty of natural, safe ways to reduce inflammation in general and
arthritis in particular.
1. Supplements
are necessary.
Take a good quality anti-inflammatory supplement, i.e. MSM, Glucosamine
and Chondroitin are all excellent choices - either by themselves
or all together as part of a blend. Any anti-inflammatory diet should
include eating fish or taking fish oil in a gel form (1,000 mg)
once or twice a day. A multivitamin is recommended - as well as
extra Vitamin C and E.
Also drink green tea and sprinkle ground flaxseed and anti-inflammatory
spices such as: turmeric, ginger, rosemary and cayenne liberally
on your food.
2. Avoid these
It can help to cut out the two most common food allergens (gluten &
dairy) for two weeks to see if you notice an improvement in your
arthritis, or any other chronic symptom, for that matter. You can
help ease arthritis by cutting back on food portions, and eating
less white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated fat.
3. Exercise
half an hour daily.
Water aerobics and stretching are the best type of exercises
for people with limited motion. Walking is great, too - the speed
doesn't matter.
4. Meditation &
prayer are very essential.
Meditation, yoga or deep breathing are all excellent forms of
easing pain and assisting our bodies into aging.
Praying is so personal, please choose whatever method you desire,
remembering that we do not know, or cannot know, everything that
is best for us.
If you are worrying, complaining, and thinking negative thoughts,
your pain will worsen and disease can eventually take over.
5. Get regular
medical check-ups.
Your doctor can test your sedimentation rate to find if you have
inflammation in your body or joints. You may not notice the inflammation
so this is an important step.
Find a doctor who encourages natural methods of coping with illness.
Sometimes surgery is necessary to improve mobility and pain; do
not live in denial.