How to
Minimize Risks in online Business
In my experience, I found the most troublesome customers are
those who make mistakes in choosing their products and services
or those who do not pay attention to detail and later complain that
they have been misled. In case of...
Ten Ways
To Fearless Public Speaking
An important aspect of public speaking is overcoming fear, nervousness
or lack of confidence. Even the most talented public speakers, experience
weak moments when they stand before an audience.
10 Ways
to Improve Effective Communication Skills
Communication means transfer or exchange of information from
one point or place or person to another. Effective communication
means, the communication must serve the purpose for which it is
12 Qualities
of an Influential Person
Influence is the ability or capacity to make an affect upon the
thinking and actions of other people. At one-time, people thought
influence was an ethereal or miraculous substance, which flowed...
7 Major Abilities
or Qualities of Leadership
Leadership calls for courage, determination and an adaptive mindset.
Leaders require strength, grit and humility to persevere, inspire
and lead others. More often, they have to lead themselves and...
7 Secrets
of Successful People
Success in any endeavor requires a combination of factors. In
the success of any individual, both extrinsic and intrinsic factors
play an important part. Of them, the intrinsic ones are more important...
8 Relaxation
Exercises to Release Tension
Here's a look at some exercises that will help to ease tension.
And, by the way, these are great exercises to do if you can't sleep!
What happens when we are under tension?
Addiction to the Habit
of Complaining
Complaining is a way of life for some people. It was certainly
a way of life for my mother. I don’t remember a day going by without
her complaining, endlessly. I don’t think I ever heard a word of
A Path to Self-Love and Self-Acceptance
If you have difficulty in establishing relationships or feeling
good about yourself, it may be because you do not have enough love
for yourself. Most likely, you have a strong inner voice which is
critical and...
A Roadmap to Happiness
Are you truly happy? Is your life where you want it to be? Or
do you find yourself endlessly searching for ways to be happier,
but never quite finding anything that works for very long? Researchers
have long been...
Assertive Communication,
A Nice Way To Say No
Assertive behavior is self-enhancing. When you express your feelings
honestly, you usually achieve your goal. You generally feel good
about yourself when you choose to behave in an assertive manner,
even if...
Attract Much More
This Year With Your Thoughts
It's been a little over 17 months since I decided to change my
life completely and work full time at my passion of photography.
In that time I have attracted many more wonderful things into my
life than I ever...
Boost your Self-esteem and Level of Self-acceptance
Psychologists today generally agree that your level of self-esteem,
or how much you like yourself and consider yourself to be a valuable
and worthwhile person, lies at the core of your personality. Your
level of...
Your Limiting Beliefs
Have you ever broken a cup and found yourself thinking ‘That’s
just typical of me! I’m so clumsy!’? If so, you could be living
less than your best life, thanks to your negative belief structure!
Your Inner State, The Way You Think
We have given a lot of thought, paid an indecent amount of money
and taken much action over the years to change the way we are. To
become ‘better’ human beings. To make the most of this life we have.
To get rid of the
Your Thinking and Perspective
Your thinking and outlook are always influenced by where you
live. Your past has no real existence, but it lives in you as part
of your memories and thinking. You are always shaped by your surroundings
and the world...
Chase your Fears By Facing Them
Most fears are imagined or anticipated. People tend to exaggerate
their fears and suffer more than necessary. Fears are good for survival.
They keep you safe. However, fears can also paralyze you and make
you defensive...
Effectively Across Cultures
The purpose of communication is to convey your thoughts or ideas
clearly to another. In an effective communication transaction both
the sender and the receiver perceive the message in the same way.
It is particularly...
with Uncomfortable People
Ever notice how comfortable you feel with certain people? You
can say and do what you want,and communication flows smoothly. Then,
there are those OTHER people. The ones whose footsteps in the hallway
make the hair on...
Creating and Experiencing
Let’s speak about joy. It is something that shines out of every
pore in your being. It bubbles up out of your heart and your mind.
Its energy is soft, light and clear. Joy is very transforming. You
don’t need a lot of...
Dealing With Poor
OK. Stay with me for just a couple of minutes. I, too, used to
have the attention span of a gnat hyped up on fast-cut soda commercials.
No, actually… oh never mind, let me get on with what I want to say.
See what I mean?
Develop Decision
Making Skills
Everybody in the world will have to make a decision or two today.
But not everybody is equipped with the same level of decision-making
skills. One of the best ways to develop these skills is by simply
practicing them.
Effective Communication
The Blarney Stone is a historical stone, or actually part of
the Blarney Castle in Ireland where it was believed that kissing
the stone can grant you the gift of gab. Yeah, it seems strange
in this day and age, but who...
Emotional Intelligence:
The Basics
There’s so much talk about emotional intelligence and how it
can promote personal and business success. What is it really? What
are its basic tenets? Emotional intelligence is the capacity to
recognize, understand...
Fine Tuning Your
You in the minds of others are not the real you but a perception.
The difference between the reality and perception can be vastly
different. It depends upon what you project and what they interpret.
It also depends upon...
Five Ways to Empower
Of the many questions you ask yourself every day, one question
is by far more important than all of the rest put together. It is
a powerful question that will bring clarity, motivation and purpose
to your whole existence.
- Breaking the Cycle of Resentment
Over 20 years ago, my mother disowned me for a period of 10 years
of my life. It wasn't something I could ever imagine doing to one
of my children, but it happened. It was one of the most painful
times of my life. I was angry...
Get Creative About
Did you ever wonder why some people who are very smart don’t
do well in school? Or how about people or kids who aren’t all that
smart, but seem to get ahead and do better in school and in life,
while smarter people don’t!
Lack of Sleep and Its Consequences
Although the average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep, most of
us get by with very little sleep. The demands of work, children,
and managing our lives can make it hard to get the rest we need.
It can be challenging to...
Have Gratitude For Everything
in Life
One of the best things that you can do is to have gratitude;
for everything that you have, every- thing that you have done, for
all the people in your life, and for the process of unfolding and
development. It is essential.
Honoring your Values
There has been considerable talk about values during this election
year. All sides hold passionate opinions about which particular
values are important and accurately reflect our identity as Americans.
Various groups lobby...
Two Ways to Achieve Peace
in Life
There are two well-known ways in which you can experience peace.
One is by getting what you want and other is to live with what you
have. In the first, you try to fulfill your desires and needs by
controlling your actions...
How to Find Happiness
in Life?
There are many theories about how to achieve happiness. You will
find many essays about happiness written by me earlier. Happiness
is a state of mind, and like many states of mind you can determine
your happiness quotient.
Key To Effective
The key to effective communication is to be in the present, paying
attention with mindfulness to what is going on. It is not letting
your mind think, when you are listening, but paying attention to
what is being said.
to be Proactive not Reactive
One of the interesting things about my work is that I get the
opportunity to see how people 'work'... how they're wired. Typical
behaviors, thinking, attitudes, reactions. How they deal with situations,
circumstances, events...
Manifesting Abundance Through
the Law of Expansion
I stumbled across the law of expansion accidentally more than
20 years ago, when I was working with a client to improve her financial
situation. My client had a problem with debt and never had any money
left over for...
Health Problems and Mind
and Body Connection
Many medical professionals, scientists and researchers are now
devoting much more attention to the mind and body connection with
relation to restoration of health. It is now believed that as many
as 90% of health problems have
Overcoming The
Habit of Procrastination
Have you ever found yourself procrastinating on something you
didn't want to do? It's no surprise that we want to avoid unpleasant
tasks or obligations, but procrastination can also infiltrate other
areas of our lives...
Past life Regression
Sigmund Freud revolutionized health care when he began his “talk
therapy.†He is the acknowledged originator of looking into the
past for causes of current pain and adjustment. But what about looking
beyond this life?
Practicing Positive Self-Talk
Family, friends, work, and recreation sound like a few areas
of our lives that take up most of our time. We go from one to another,
filling up our days, weeks, months, and perhaps years. Oftentimes,
in the process, we forget...
Practice Attitude
of Gratitude in 7 Easy Steps
Don’t you just just love the whole Gratitude thing? – I remember
when I first read about it in the context of Personal and Spiritual
Development and Law of Attraction, it really captured my imagination.
It made so much sense.
Schopenhauer On Pessimism
Schopenhauer's system is set forth in all its fulness in his
great work, The World as Will and Idea. All that he wrote after
the appearance of this book was confirmation and expansion of the
theories already laid down.
A Look at Self Sabotaging
Having trouble reaching all your goals? Are you going for what
you want, but feeling like something is road-blocking the way? Are
you finding yourself "not" doing some of the things you know you
should be doing?
7 Key Steps to Unshakable
Do you remember that day? Perhaps it was your first job interview.
Perhaps you were speaking to a group for the first time. Maybe you
were starting a challenging new career or meeting a special person
for the first time.
Symptoms From Low
People with low self-esteem often do not live their life to the
fullest. They feel so down on themselves they distance themselves
from others. People need to be close to others for love and support.
10 Barriers to
Clear Perception
"Everything is self-evident,†said Rene Descartes, mathematician
and philosopher. Everything is self-evident if you have high emotional
intelligence and are good at reality-testing. If you’re clouded
with emotions...
10 Ways To
Develop Authentic Self
Very young children exude authenticity. They speak their minds,
express their emotions generously, and radiate tremendous energy.
They are comfortable in their own skin and delight in their own
and Emotions
People use the words emotions and feelings interchangeably. In
a very general sense you can use them as synonyms. However, there
is a clear difference between them, which is very difficult to understand
The Law of Attraction;
Old News?
The Law of Attraction is slowly working its way up to becoming
the buzz cry for the new millennium. Most people have heard something
about it, and some people have heard most about it.
The Mind Creates
Its Worst Fears
On my sojourn across the country, a night spent camping in Idaho’s
mountain wilderness demonstrated to me the power of the human mind
to create a physical reality from its deepest emotional fears.
The Relaxing Breath To Counter
Stress is what you experience when there are physical or psychological
demands being placed on you. A small dose of stress can be stimulating.
However, when you are exposed to high stress, your body activates
The Success
Solution: Sedona Method
Recently I worked with a client who found himself in a couple
of situations many of us have either experienced, or fear experiencing.
He called me, feeling down, frustrated and anxious about his future.
The Technique Of Mirroring and Matching
The subliminal persuasion technique of "mirroring and matching"
is easy to understand. It is simply a way to make a person feel
more comfortable and trusting of you. We all feel more comfortable
with some people...
Tips for Successful
Conversations in Daily Life
"Talk to Me, I’m Human!" Have you ever felt like telling (or
worse—yelling!) this or a similar phrase to your boss, a coworker,
or significant other with whom it seems impossible to have a conversation?
In a world...
Qualities Of An Influential Person
Everyone should strive to be an influential individual. When
you are influential, you have more control over your life, your
finances and how you are treated and your statements hold more weight
with your listeners.
Use Imagination
To Reach Your Goals
Hold on to your hat, you are about to take an incredible ride!!
If used properly, imagination is one of the greatest tools that
you can use. In your imagination, anything is possible and there
is absolutely nothing that...
Walls: Why Do We Create
This morning, I saw a squirrel trying to scale a wall of my house.
Salamanders, too, love to climb the walls as they scamper after
tiny flies. The walls that link together to house something form
the embracing arms of security.
What Can You Learn
From Fear?
Fear is wired into our minds. It is the most dominating emotion.
Anxiety, worry, panic, alarm, dread, terror, etc., are a few well-known
feelings which are commonly recognized as different forms or intensities
of fear. We cannot...
What Time
Zone Are You in Emotionally?
Part of Emotional Intelligence is understanding TIME ZONES. It's
a special little saying of mine, as an EQ coach and trainer. I coach
and train individuals internationally, so I have a chart of time
zones pasted on my...
When You Change
Everything Changes
t was my first visit back home in over a year. I’d been in Minnesota
for college, and returned home just long enough to marry and move
to North Carolina. I returned with a year old baby, the wife of
a medical student...
Why Most Love Marriages
From Nature's perspective, the purpose of love, infatuation,
attraction, or whatever name you may use to call it, is to create
conditions for procreation of the species. This is the simple and
straightforward truth. We may attribute...
You Can Have What You
We're all looking for the magic words that will give us what
we think we need to live in this world. We look at friends, family,
people in the media - famous or otherwise, thinking they have the
answers that will lead us