By Bhakti Seva
The Hindu Yogis� Rules For Attaining Health, Wealth And Happiness;
OR, How to Banish Disease and Abolish Poverty
The Hindu Yogi is a seer or sage who, by deep and long meditation,
prayer, study of man and the universe, at last reaches illumination
or wisdom, whereby he thoroughly understands the many perplexing
problems of life and can solve them. This planet leas now reached
that stage of evolution where its highest order of inhabitants are
beginning to awake to a realization of their wonderful greatness.
The ignorance and darkness of the past ages is being dissipated
by the Light of Truth �modern thought.
False Teaching
Cause Of Woe And Misery.
For thousands of years man has been ruled and governed by much
false teaching. He has been told that he is a miserable worm and
been made a weakling and an arrant coward by the fear of punishment
by a wrathful and angry God who ever sits in judgment on his every
act. With such teachings and such a God he could make little progress,
because fear is always weakening and never inspires hope or courage.
The Yogis, who are the greatest lovers and worshippers of God in
the world, say that the great Ruler of this universe is all mercy,
all love, all helping and never punishes; that a man is all-powerful,
all-forceful and not limited; that ALL are ONE. All that a man has
got to do is to realize what a great and powerful being he is, and
then the can accomplish anything he desires.
The Real And
The Apparent Man.
"What is that, knowing which, everything else is to be known?"
This is the one theme that the Yogi dwells upon, and as thought
can by persistent concentration solve the deepest problems, we eventually
arrive at the truth of what the real man is, and his purpose here.
We find that man's goal is knowledge, wisdom and freedom from all
bondage; that he is an Eternal Soul with all possibilities; that
he can control all the powers and forces in the universe for his
own good; for health, for wealth and happiness. To reach the highest
degree of attainment or success he must stop thinking fear, doubt,
disease, failure, disaster and that sort of thing. Man, therefore,
according to our philosophy, is the greatest being that is in the
universe, and this earth the best place, because here is the greatest
chance, the only chance to become perfect. So we say always strive
to improve your mind, your body, your material wealth and your environment�be
cheerful and happy, and let God take care of the rest. When you
can learn to think this way you will be the real God-man, and the
apparent-man or shadow will vanish forever. You are then at one
with the Great One, and all force and power is yours.
How The Devas
(Angels) Can Help Us.
Countless angels, or spirits, are ever ready to help the real
man�the brave, bold, true and courageous man�and do help him, in
a way that it would be hard to explain in a book of this scope and
to the ordinary mind. All humanity is being helped all the time
by these Great Souls, who do not live in a gross body like ours.
To get their best help one must be kind, gentle, calm and free from
anger or hatred. That is the reason you will always see that all
great men and women have full and complete control of themselves
and are invariably mild, kind and gentle people. You have no idea
how much good you lose when you lose control of your temper or passion.
Marriage Brings
Look about you and on every hand you will observe that about
all the men and women who reach great success have a partner�a wife
or husband. God has always commanded man to marry and bring into
the world children. In selecting a wife or husband be careful to
take a person on the same social plane as yourself.
About Woman.
The Yogis have the very highest respect and the purest love for
women. We know that woman is a finer organization than man, and
in India, you never hear the Hindus of culture or refinement ever
refer to woman as the "weaker vessel." Man to reach his highest
development must look up to woman, the mother of creation, and love
her with the highest and purest love, and respect her with the highest
respect. No man can become great until he has this respect for woman.
Woman is the "finer vessel," and not the "weaker vessel."
Occult Science.
In this wonderful and progressive age men and women are discovering
that the study of occult science and metaphysics is of great advantage
to them. The occult or secret powers and forces can only come to
us by and through certain studies of this nature. The reading of
books on astrology, mental science, mind reading, telepathy, etc.,
opens the mind to new and fresh thought which is very helpful and
Power Of Prayer.
Prayers when uttered in the right spirit, and which are not made
with mean or selfish motives, are always answered. If at any time
you are in great distress of mind, are burdened with troubles which
seem too great to overcome, if you will go off to some quiet place
and open your heart and mind to God, asking for light, direction
or relief, He will answer your prayer surely. Or maybe some of the
Devas (angels) will hear your appeal and come and soothe you and
give you gentle thoughts which will help you. The prayer of the
Yogi is always for Light, Direction and Love, and is answered.
Don't Worry.
The strong and great man is the calm, cool, collected man who
holds his temper, who don't worry or hurry or get rattled, no matter
whether things go against him or with him. He is a giant of patience,
strength and force. Such a soul has strength and force to do things;
to keep itself in the very middle of the current of success, health
and happiness; by its magnificence and greatness it attracts all
the good elements and forces of the universe to its aid; it aspires
to be good and great and inspires all persons with love, admiration
and confidence. And right here let me quote a great scientist who
says: "If the blood is not right, the brain cannot be, for it can
only be nourished by good blood. The chief enemies of the brain
are Worry, which disorganizes the human machinery; Shock, which
paralyzes the brain. Worry or excitement causes irregular nerve
action. We call it confusion of ideas or nervosity. Worry is the
worst disease of the age."
About Our Troubles.
"In trouble to be troubled is to have your trouble doubled."
The only way to overcome our troubles is to let them wear themselves
out. If you will pay no attention to them they will soon go away.
People worry and trouble much over troubles that do not come.
Of the hard and weary loads �Neath which we bend
and fall, The troubles that do not come Are the heaviest
ones of all.
Our thoughts make us. Thinking trouble brings trouble. Thinking
good brings good. We can make our life just what the mind thinks.
Therefore, how important it is for all of us to think rightly.
The Secret
Of Wealth.
We must first think wealth, and then use the mind to discover
the true foundation of wealth. The mind in its search for the cause
of wealth will soon discover that well-directed energy�work, is
back of all wealth. But along with this energy we must have faith,
hope and courage. This is a busy world, and we are living in a wonderful
age of big undertakings and great progress. At every hand is to
be seen advancement, improvement, progress, growth and expansion.
We are continually going forward, onward and upward. Nothing stands
still! There is no backward movement! The world is better and busier
to-day than it was yesterday, and will be better and busier to-morrow
than it is to-day. It is the calm, honest, thorough, thoughtful
and busy workers who make this condition of growth and progress;
not the worrying, hurrying, fretful, gloomy, morbid, pessimistic
minds who persist in looking at things through the wrong end of
the telescope. No one will be successful or feel the glorious good
times which are here to stay, unless he is hopeful and cheerful,
and willing to play the part God has assigned to him.
And now, dear friends, I have tried hard in this book to inspire
you with hope and courage, and I sincerely hope you will feel that
we Yogis dearly love you and wish you peace, joy, prosperity and
happiness, and in conclusion let me quote the saying of one of our
brothers, who is a great Yogi�a great soul: "You are all God, O
ye men and O ye animals, and living beings, ye are the manifestation
of the One living God�the Blessed One�the All in All, so how can
you doubt your reaching perfection?"
May the peace and blessings of the Blessed One, and all the Devas
(angels) and all the Yogis of the Universe be ever with you, my
beloved sisters and brothers, is the prayer of
by Bhakti Seva, From The Hindu Book of Astrology
Bhakti Seva, From The Hindu Book of Astrology